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Callum Hudson-Odoi has taken Thomas Tuchel's tough-love approach in his stride and showed against Atletico that Saturday's substitution drama has all been forgotten about

If Thomas Tuchel is trying to keep Callum Hudson-Odoi guessing then he’s doing a bloody good job.

Three days after suffering the ignominy of being substituted just 30 minutes after coming on at half-time, the 20-year-old was back in the starting XI for, arguably, his manager’s biggest match since arriving at Chelsea four weeks ago.

You’d forgive Hudson-Odoi for being slightly confused.

Callum Hudson-Odoi was handed a start just days after his substitution embarrassment

Tuchel’s treatment of the youngster and his subsequent public criticism of the winger has divided opinion.

Some believe Hudson-Odoi has been unnecessarily exposed to public humiliation, while others feel it was a mere case of Tuchel administering a dose of tough love.