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Charlotte Hornets, Lowe's to Unveil Renovations to Grier Heights Community Center Tomorrow

November 17, 2021 – The Charlotte Hornets, Lowe’s and CrossRoads Corporation tomorrow will unveil renovations to the Grier Heights Community Center (GHCC), located within the historic Billingsville School house, as part of the Hornets Legacy Project Powered by Lowe’s. Billingsville School was built in 1927 as an all-Black “Rosenwald School” founded with the support of Booker T. Washington and philanthropist Julius Rosenwald, who generously provided a matching grant to any funds raised by Grier Heights residents. Nearly 100 years later, the GHCC hosts a variety of events, classes, programs, and gatherings for the community. The building appears on the National Register of Historic Places as a landmark in the history of national and local philanthropic efforts to improve education for African Americans.