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Charlotte Hornets and Michael Kidd-Gilchrist Team Up with Bee Mighty to Support Former NICU Graduates

AUGUST 3, 2015 – The Charlotte Hornets and forward Michael Kidd-Gilchrist have teamed up in support of Bee Mighty during the month of August to help former Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) graduates and their families.

Bee Mighty is a not for profit fund administered by Novant Health that provides grants to former NICU babies and their families for medical equipment and therapy. Once discharged from the NICU, these babies are much more likely to need therapy or equipment – which is oftentimes not covered by insurance – for developmental delays.

Today, Bee Mighty launches a month-long fundraising drive throughout the month of August and later in the month it will celebrate the funding of the 100th local family to receive a grant.