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New Calgary Flames coach Glen Gulutzan's leadership abilities were on full display in his WHL playing days [Video]

Lorne Molleken admittedly isn’t sure what brought him.

Scouting players, perhaps?

Keeping an eye on the coaches?

Just watching?

Whatever the reason, Molleken wasn’t the least bit surprised to spot Glen Gulutzan — at that time, pulling Reg Dunlop-sorta double duty for the Fresno Falcons of the now-defunct West Coast Hockey League — perched in the seats at the Shark Tank in the fall of 2002.

“He was a player/assistant coach in Fresno, and I can remember looking up during training camp while I was an assistant coach in San Jose and Gully was in the stands watching one of our scrimmages or practices,” recalled Molleken, a Western Hockey League coaching legend who selected Gulutzan as captain for the 1991-92 edition of the Saskatoon Blades.