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FlamesNation Mailbag: Two weeks until the trade deadline

There are only two shopping weeks left until the 2022 NHL trade deadline, so rumours are flying, speculation is rampant, and few if any trades have been made quite yet as teams try to maximize their cap space.

As we bide our time until the action unfolds two Mondays from now, let’s check out the mailbag!

My typical arena question but with a twist. Any substance to the rumours the Flames are negotiating with the local First Nations? The more I think about it the more I like it.

— Kris Cherewyk (@KrisCherewyk) March 7, 2022

I had heard nothing about this until Sunday and I’ll say this: I don’t think building an 18,000 seat arena on the Tsuut’ina lands makes sense for the City, the Flames or the Tsuut’ina.