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Back in black: Breaking down the Flames’ return to the Blasty jersey

One of the NHL’s most fiery characters has made his long-awaited return.

On Monday, as part of a league-wide “Reverse Retro” jersey initiative, the Calgary Flames reintroduced their former horse logo, dubbed “Blasty” both by fans and the Flames’ marketing staff. Used as the primary crest on a black uniform donned by the team from 1998 to 2006, Blasty also saw prime deployment on the shoulders of the Flames’ iconic red jerseys with the black flaming “C” notably worn during the team’s run to the Stanley Cup Final in 2004.

The horse logo made its debut during a particularly rough spot for the team, in the midst of the “Save the Flames” campaign of the late 1990s and an eight-year stretch of missing the playoffs.