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A big season approaches for Glenn Gawdin and Matthew Phillips

If you follow the same people most of us do within the spheres of Calgary Flames social media, there are two pairings of prospects that pundits and followers seem excited about. One pairing features 2019 first round pick Jakob Pelletier and 2020 first round pick Connor Zary, a pair of 2001-born players that could step right into the NHL based on their pedigree. The other pairing have taken a longer route: Stockton Heat standouts Matthew Phillips and Glenn Gawdin.

For a couple of reasons, the upcoming season is very big for Phillips and Gawdin.

Matthew Phillips

Originally selected with the draft pick the Flames got from Minnesota for eating the last chunk of Niklas Backstrom’s contract in 2015-16, Phillips is one of many late round picks the Flames have managed to turn into a productive pro hockey player.