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5 Things: Don't give in

So CalgaryNEXT (or whatever they're going to end up calling it) was unveiled yesterday with a handy pie chart of the costs and how the tab would be picked up.

In the end, the Flames seem to commit $200 million to the project, which conveniently includes a new rink and stadium for their various sports properties, out of a total $890 million cost. That's less than 22.5 percent of the bill, and it's a bilious initial proposal. A lot of transparent talk immediately followed from media cronies — Calgary's answer to David Staples and his laughable 18-month campaign to get the city of Edmonton to pass the cost of Darryl Katz's new rink onto the taxpayers — who said things like "this is about More Than Just The Flames" and "what is the city of Calgary without an NHL team?