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2020-21 Calgary Flames Preview: The Goalies

The Goalies

NHL Roster: Jacob Markstrom (6 years, $36 million), David Rittich (1 year, $2.75 million)

AHL Roster: Louis Domingue (1 year, $700k), Tyler Parsons (1 year, $735K), Artyom Zagidulin (1 year, $700k)

Juniors: Dustin Wolf (3 years, $2.4 million)

PTO: Garret Sparks

The Flames overhauled their goaltending situation this offseason by signing former Vancouver netminder Jacob Markstrom to a hefty six year deal, in effect making him the Flames undisputed #1 goalie. That signing bumped David Rittich out of the top spot, but that really shouldn’t have come as a huge surprise.