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Trump loyalist, CNBC host Larry Kudlow to lead economic council

Washington • Conservative commentator Larry Kudlow on Wednesday accepted an offer from President Donald Trump to head the White House's National Economic Council, the latest in a rapid series of firings and personnel changes that have roiled the administration.

The choice of Kudlow — a longtime TV analyst and generational peer — illustrates how Trump is increasingly looking to stack his inner circle with longtime loyalists after more than a year of frustration with aides and Cabinet officials who sought to temper his extemporaneous and combative style.

The hiring came a day after Trump abruptly fired via Twitter the secretary of state he disliked, Rex Tillerson, and announced his intent to replace him with a close confidant, CIA Director Mike Pompeo — part of a wave of departures and firings that have rocked the West Wing at the start of Trump's second year.