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‘People would die': Medicaid expansion supporters rally at Utah Capitol against plans to delay, repeal or replace voter-approved initiative

Since Medicaid expansion became optional for states in 2012, Bishop Scott Hayashi said Monday, poll after poll of Utahns showed support for closing the so-called coverage gap and providing health care to low-income residents.

Hayashi, of the Utah Episcopal Diocese, said the state Legislature repeatedly failed to represent their constituents on the issue, finally leading supporters to launch a successful ballot initiative, Proposition 3, to provide “conclusive evidence” to lawmakers.

“Utah decided,” Hayashi said. “You decided that we need this Medicaid expansion for the people in our great state who sorely need it.”

Hayashi was one of several speakers who addressed a crowd of roughly 300 at the state Capitol on Monday, the first day of the 2019 legislative session.