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Nicholas Kristof: Trump to Ukraine: Such a shame if anything happened to your nice country

On Fox News, Tucker Carlson agreed with a guest who said of allegations against President Donald Trump, “This is all acceptable political behavior by presidents.”

Kevin McCarthy, the House Republican leader, tweeted: “House Democrats should stop lying to the American people. They aren’t concerned with the truth. They are still focused on undoing the 2016 election.”

A right-wing group, Americans for Limited Government, offered this take: “Pelosi proposes impeaching Trump for denouncing Obama-Biden-led corruption in Ukraine.”

We’re going to encounter more of these tornadoes of obfuscation in the coming months. So let’s debunk this nonsense. Whether one is for or against impeachment, facts still have value: Trump did not engage in “acceptable political behavior,” this is not about undoing the 2016 election and Biden didn’t do anything corrupt.