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NBC's ‘A.P. Bio’ is just 'meh — but Big Names got it on the air

Related Topics: NBC, Glenn Howerton, Patton Oswalt

NBC programmers probably could find a less interesting sitcom than “A.P. Bio,” but they would have to do some serious searching.

This new series pretty much defines the word “meh.” Which, according to the dictionary, means “unimpressive; boring.” In this case, it also means “unfunny” — which is a problem for an alleged comedy.

Here’s a quick description before I nod off: Glenn Howerton (“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”) stars as Jack Griffin, a philosophy scholar who is denied tenure at Harvard, and his embarrassing reaction goes viral. He’s hired to teach Advanced Placement biology at a Toledo high school because the principal (Patton Oswalt) is inexplicably impressed by him.