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Jennifer Rubin: Biden’s trouble isn’t his past. It’s his present.

Former Vice President Joe Biden's gaffe in boasting of his work "across the aisle" (actually, they were Democrats, making the story he told even more inapt) with segregationist Southern senators in the 1970s hasn't gone away as his bobble over support for the Hyde amendment essentially did a couple of weeks ago.

The Washington Post reports on ongoing dissension on Biden's team and reminds us of Biden's all-too-chummy correspondence with Sen. James Eastland, D-Miss., 42 years ago (before South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg was even born) over their shared opposition to busing.

The Biden story lingers because it touches on issues central to some Democratic voters - race and the choice between trying to work with recalcitrant Republicans or just running them over (e.