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Here are The Salt Lake Tribune’s top 10 movies of 2019

The once-unbreachable wall between theatrical films and streaming titles, already weakened last year with the awards success of “Roma,” took more hits from the likes of Martin Scorsese (“The Irishman”) and Noah Baumbach (“Marriage Story”). “Roma” also put some holes in the notion that movies not in English couldn’t succeed stateside — something Cannes winners “Parasite” and “Portrait of a Lady on Fire” seemed to disprove as American audiences and critics embraced them.

Everyone, save a few purists, agreed that they liked movies about Marvel superheroes (“Avengers: Endgame,” “Captain Marvel”) and DC villains (“Joker”). Everyone waited with anticipation for the final chapter of the Skywalker saga that began 42 years earlier with “Star Wars” — even if the movie itself was a disappointment.