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Alexandra Petri: For sale, ‘IT’S MUELLER TIME’ sweatshirt, lightly used

Would anyone like to buy an “It’s Mueller Time” custom beer stein? It is glass with red lettering, and it has been used to drink at least one toast to the FBI, as an institution.

Also available: a Mueller pin, a devotional candle with Mueller's image on it, a shirt depicting him as an enormous shark that says "LAWS" on it in the font like "JAWS" (implying that he would rise from the sea and seize Donald Trump's presidency and it would not be safe for that presidency in the water for a very long time), a set of matching Mueller acrylic earrings, another different Mueller devotional candle where he was dressed in a more formal robe, a "The Special Counsel's Office DECLINED TO COMMENT" t-shirt, a plush item depicting Mueller as Superman, a third different Mueller devotional candle depicting him as a vengeful saint, a sweatshirt with "Mueller Is Coming" a la "Game of Thrones," and a red hat with white lettering that reads "MUELLER KNOWS EVERYTHING.