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Tsai-backed Brooklyn tech accelerator starts taking applications for minority firms

Related Topics: Joe Tsai, Daniel Acheampong

BK-XL, The Joe and Clara Wu Tsai Foundation’s Brooklyn start-up accelerator, has started to accept applications for investments of as much as $500,000 in companies owned by BIPOC, Black and Indigenous People of Color, entrepreneurs.

The application process began Monday and closes on January 20...

IT’S OFFICIAL: applications are now open for @BKXLAccelerator
, a new Brooklyn-based early-stage startup accelerator for BIPOC founders!

Selected founders will have the opportunity to receive up to $500K in investments.

Deadline to apply is 1/20.— Social Justice Fund (@socialjusticefd) December 6, 2022

The program will be a mix of grants, loans and investments for borough companies, Clara Wu Tsai said when the program was announced a month ago.