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New York Liberty call for action on anti-Asian American violence after wave of attacks

The Liberty has joined with other New York organizations to help thwart a recent wave of attacks on Asian-Americans in the metro area and nationally, adding a statement on the team’s website and tweeting out their concerns... and asking fans to report any incidents they see to the NYPD.

Join us in our commitment to addressing anti-Asian racism and doing the work to dismantle all forms of racism and hatred. Learn how you can support at @StopAAPIHate and @AAAJ_AAJC. #StopAsianHate

— New York Liberty (@nyliberty) February 19, 2021

On Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Asian-American lawmakers and other House Democrats on Friday denounced a rise in hate incidents targeting members of the Asian community across the country and called for stronger action — both by Congress and the Biden administration.