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Lowe: Kyrie Irving is ‘radioactive,’ simply not tradeable

Related Topics: Kyrie Irving, radioactivity

Put down the Trade Machine. Kyrie isn’t getting traded, say more than one pundit. He’s finally become too toxic despite his near 30-point-per-game scoring average and universally acknowledged skills.

The controversy over his tweet and Instagram post promoting an antisemitic video a week ago — and a generally dissatisfactory response to his statement taking “responsibility” Wednesday — has made him “radioactive,” reports Zach Lowe of ESPN.

Here’s how Timothy Rapp of Bleacher Report summarized the current situation:

Kyrie Irving’s trade value appears to be at an all-time low. ESPN’s Zach Lowe said on his The Lowe Post podcast on Wednesday (around the 25-minute mark) that Irving is considered “radioactive” around the NBA: “I talked to a lot of people around the league over the weekend, and the sense I get right now is he’s radioactive.