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Layshia Clarendon and the power of the ballot as well as the ball

Once the Rev. Raphael Warnock defeated Sen. Kelly Loeffler Tuesday, one of the first to congratulate the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church was Liberty point guard Layshia Clarendon, one of the WNBA’s leading social justice advocates...

She also thanked those who helped Warnock...

Shout out to the local organizers in Georgia who made this happen!!! We know and love Stacey Abrams and she’s the first to give credit to the other peeps who’ve also done the tireless work.

— Layshia Clarendon (@Layshiac) January 6, 2021

Woke up and just smiled remembering that one time Kelly Loeffler tried to come for the W and we helped @ReverendWarnock take her senate seat!