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Everything you need to know about Jay-Z’s elaborate birthday cake

Related Topics: Birthday cake, Cake

The Brooklyn Nets spared no expense when it came to Jay-Z‘s birthday cake.

The basketball team commissioned BCakeNY in Brooklyn to build the five-tier cake, which bakery owner Miriam Milord told Page Six featured the flavor of “one of his liquor brands.”

“We just tried to make something really personalized,” Milord said. “You always have some sort of concept — here’s what the cake’s about, accomplishments — and used them in the creative freedom that we had.”

The star turned 48 on Monday.

HOV’s cake, which was served over the weekend for his Nassau Coliseum show, included some of his favorite things, including a microphone, a Yankees cap, a cigar, a couple of watches and a ring with”4:44″ on it.