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The Red Sox should complement their rebuild with old players

There are two tweets about team building you should know. The first is from Sam Miller, the incomparable baseball writer that ESPN is letting go in favor of financial flexibility, mocking fans for fetishizing the nickel-and-dime approach of a certain Tampa team:

LOVE this trade for the Rays. Who'd they give up? And who'd they get?

— Sam Miller (@SamMillerBB) January 22, 2014

The second is from Craig Goldstein, editor of Baseball Propsectus and Baseball Twitter’s king of pies, on the same subject, with the A’s, not Rays, in his sights:

[Billy Beane does 19 things to get his team slightly cheaper but slightly worse]
"mm yes, I see it"
[Nats sign Scherzer]
"makes no sense.