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Silverman: Yawkey Way change long time in the making

FORT MYERS — Sure, Jersey Street is a bit dull.

But when it comes to public street names in Boston, I’ll take retro and unimaginative any day ahead of the residue of a racist legacy.

Call me old-fashioned, I guess.

So, thank you Red Sox and the other two abutters along the for-now-named Yawkey Way for asking the city’s public improvement commission (PIC) yesterday to approve their request to scrub the name of the former Red Sox owner from one of the five streets that surround Fenway Park and replace it with Jersey Street.

This year hopefully will mark the end of the 41-year run of Yawkey Way, which back in 1977 was what the team wanted the two-block section of Jersey Street between Boylston and Brookline Drive to be named as a way to honor recently deceased owner Tom Yawkey.