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Silverman: Ryan Westmoreland eases forward into life away from baseball after health issue

FORT MYERS — As anniversaries go, yesterday’s was not the kind Ryan Westmoreland necessarily wanted to celebrate with a great deal of mirth and merriment.

A tweet saying “Crazy that it’s been 8 years today. Never give up #BrainsShouldntBleed” just about covered it for Westmoreland.

These days, Westmoreland lives in Portsmouth, R.I., with his girlfriend and works at the baseball facility in Somerset, In the Zone Baseball Club, which he and his dad run.

He spends as little time as possible reflecting on his lengthy list of misfortunes.

On Monday, he had his 16th surgery since March 16, 2010, a facial reanimation surgery where a nerve from his ankle was implanted into his right cheek to help even out his currently lopsided expressions and smile.