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Retired Red Sox fan favorites reflect on their experiences playing at Fenway Park

“This is like my house,” former Red Sox ace Pedro Martinez said, as he gestured out to the baseball diamond he had called home for seven seasons.

“For some reason, when I come in here, it’s like my comfort zone,” he continued. “It’s the area where I really understand what to do. I’m always comfortable around here. When I look at it — I know it’s pretty old — but that’s like my house. That’s like my bedroom. That’s how comfortable I feel when I come.”

Built in 1912, Fenway Park is MLB’s oldest ballpark. Its iconic physical features, such as the Pesky Pole, “The Triangle” in centerfield, and, of course, the Green Monster, combined with the illustrious history ridden in the dark teal-painted walls make the Boston landmark a charming, albeit notoriously challenging, place to play.