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Red Sox: Which Boston player’s career would you choose?

What matters most to you when evaluating a player’s career? Are you a ring chaser who only cares how many championships a player won? Flags do fly forever and titles are the reason these players play the game. We all know that the Boston Red Sox have been stockpiling championships as late.

Do you prefer to look at a player’s individual accomplishments instead since one man can’t win it all on his own? We know the five tools that make for a great ballplayer, but what accomplishments and accolades make for a great career?

The CBS Sports twitter account proposed this question late last night and it left me up all night pondering what I’d want my fictional sports legacy to be:

The four careers in this choose your own adventure game are:

Option A – 15x All-Star, 3x MVP, 5 Playoff Appearances, 0 Championship Titles
Option B – 0x All-Star, 0x MVP, 12 Playoff Appearances, 5 Championship Titles
Option C – 5x All-Star, 0x MVP, 9 Playoff Appearances, 2 Championship Titles
Option D – 3x All-Star, 1x MVP, 3 Playoff Appearances, 1 Championship Titles

To add some perspective to this exercise, I came up with some Red Sox players whose careers more or less match the above descriptions.