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Numerous Baseball Writers Are Surprised Curt Schilling (A Not-Reticent MAGA Moron) Supported The Deadly Seditious Insurrection Incited By Trump

"Numerous" members of the Baseball Writers' Association of America are apparently surprised that former major league pitcher Curt Schilling, whose name appears on the most recent Hall of Fame ballot, supported the seditious insurrection at the Capitol two weeks ago that resulted in five deaths.

Source: Numerous National Baseball HOF voters have reached out to the Hall hoping to amend their ballots, removing their votes for Curt Schilling after he supported the seditious acts in Washington D.C. 2 weeks ago. HOF officials are concerned about the precedent this could set.

— M@ (@MattSpiegel670) January 21, 2021

(However, HOF officials are not particularly concerned about BBWAA members who deny players HOF votes because of their own racism.