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Jennifer Lopez, at Fenway, sings along to ‘Sweet Caroline’

Related Topics: Jennifer Lopez, Singing, The Sweet, ESPN

While her boyfriend, Alex Rodriguez, was in the broadcast booth at Fenway covering the Red Sox sweep of the Yankees Sunday night for ESPN, Jennifer Lopez made herself at home in the stands, grooving out to “Sweet Caroline.’’

“I love this song!’’ she says in a video posted to her Instagram account. The pop star — glowing in a white blouse and dime size diamond earrings — sang along to a few of the words, before turning the camera toward the field while the Fenway faithful shouted, “So good! So good! So good!’’

“My mom said this song came out around the time I was born and her and my dad used to sing it to me but when the sweet Caroline part came they would sing Sweet Jennifer …,’’ JLo wrote, “so whenever I hear it I see a picture in my mind of my mommy and daddy singing to me as a baby and it always makes me happy inside and smile real big on the outside!