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January 13, 2017: Friday the 13th AND a Full Moon?

Related Topics: Friday the 13th

While I am not particularly superstitious (I’m a lighting designer, amongst other things, so I walk under ladders, cause it takes too freaking long to walk around. I also own a black cat and my lucky/favorite number is 13), that’s a pretty interesting cosmic double whammy, and apparently will not happen again for like 32 years–or 2049…

So, after a month of holiday celebrations, parties, far too much fudge from Stone Harbor, Christmas ducks for my kid, and of course, the obligatory holiday sickness that felled both of us (I’m looking at you, stomach “thing”), we are looking at 31 days to Pitchers and Catchers, 40 days to the first “real” Spring Training game–against the Mets, and 79 days to Opening Day…

Oh, and in case you were wondering, Truck Day is a little more than 2 weeks away.