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Chewbacca's The Ace

(Jim Davis / Boston Globe Staff)

May the 4th Place Be With You
Red Sox Ravamp Pitching Staff in Wake of Free-Fall in AL East

New Rotation Goes Into Effect Tonight: 1. Chewbacca, 2. Darth Vader, 3. Boba Fett, 4. Luke Skywalker, and 5. Obi Wan Kenobi
'Now, I Think We've Got Five No. 1's.' -- Sincerely, John Farrell
Kelly's Roast Toast, It's Sweep Caroline at Fenway, Circa 2006
Ellsbury 'Should Have Stolen Two' Snaps Back at Mujica in Ker Plunkapalooza
Yankees Han Solo in First Place

"You throw one up and in and at 3-0 you come at me.