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Around here, a 100-win season is a rarity that should be celebrated

In their modern history, the Red Sox have found it — well, not easier, but at least more attainable — to win the World Series than win 100 games in the regular season.

Oh, be sure that I’m not equating the achievements — after all, only one is celebrated with a parade — but it nevertheless is remarkable and kind of amazing that their last 100-win season before this one occurred 72 years ago, or when Carl Yastrzemski was 7 years old.

They’ve had so many sensational seasons since (2004, 2007, 2013, and even though the final scenes weren’t fulfilling, 1967, ’75, ’86 and ’03 deserve at least honorable mention) and spectacular players (Yaz, Rice, Pudge, Pedro, Papi .