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All-Time Red Sox Roster: Cy Young

Seasons in Boston: 1901-1908

Honors: Member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, 1903 World Series Champion, 1901 Pitching Triple Crown, 1892 and 1901 ERA Title

Red Sox Numbers: 2.00 ERA, 0.97 WHIP, 192 W, 275 CG, 38 ShO, 1341 K, 69 ERA-, 54.8 fWAR

Signature Season (1901): 371.1 IP, 158 K, 33 W, 38 CG, 5 ShO, 1.62 ERA, 0.97 WHIP, 44 ERA-, 7.8 fWAR

Researching Denton True Young, better known as Cy Young, gave me an even greater respect for the age of the game of baseball than I already had.