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Your Morning Dump... Where we're waiting for the Juice, Taco Jay and... Smarf

Every morning, we compile the links of the day and dump them here… highlighting the big story line. Because there’s nothing quite as satisfying as a good morning dump.

“I think it’s just a matter of you have to that post-surgery healed to be able to take a hit even with the brace on it,” Stevens told reporters on Saturday. “That’s the hold-up. Other than that, I think he feels pretty good.”

Smart’s appointment on Tuesday is in New York, which could mean the Celtics won’t know whether he will be available until close to game time when they find out if he will be able to get back to the TD Garden in time,

Smart will have to wear a small splint or a wrap on his thumb, but he has been shooting without it, and he says he doesn’t feel bothered by the contraption.