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Watch: Move over, Hampton 5; the Newport 5 is here

The road to the last banner, you may recall, began in Newport, Rhode Island.

Now, after last season's rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, this core group returns at full health, and with aspirations to match - nothing less than a ring will do.

A year after that false start, the ups and downs of multiple injuries and success despite them has the Boston Celtics looking to reclaim that momentum.

To that end, NBC Boston's Chris Forsberg (it's going to feel weird saying that for a while) dubbed the all-new starting five (OK, not "all" new, they did play five minutes together last season) the "Newport Five", a nod to both that false start and the last banner to go up - as well as who they'll likely have to go through to get it; the so-called Hampton Five and the rest of the Golden State Warriors.