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NBA History: Matching, Deduction, Growth & Expansion

In my school-teaching days, I enjoyed using old-fashioned “matching” exercises – you remember (though perhaps not fondly), two columns of data, some criteria for analysis (e.g. same/opposite meaning, dates of events), solve the little logic puzzle. Not only are they simple and quick to “check,” a well-conceived matching exercise can induce useful productive cogitation … some good old-fashioned non-technologically enhanced Thinking.

Here’s a “for instance” for ya!

Match the entity with its total of NBA/BAA championships:

__ 1. Warrior Franchise [a] 6

“Cheat Sheet”

The Warriors, who have existed from Day 1, have achieved six titles – 1947 and 1956 in Philadelphia; 1975, 2015, 2017 and 2018 in the Bay Area.