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Green Envy: What Cavs fans said; 11/5

LeBron James ain’t walking through that door. I’ve had the pleasure of providing Green Envy for all the Celtics wins so far this season, and let me tell you, the Cleveland Cavaliers fans are by far the most fair-weather of the bunch. Not because of the type of comments on their forums, but based on sheer lack of volume. I don’t like to look at myself as a hero, but Cavs fans put me to work so I could find some creative comments to provide you with your favorite feature.

Even though their team stinks, their Celtics hate runs deep

I'm all in on the tank but I f*****g despise the Celtics so we need to win this one

I don’t think anyone can properly call themself a sports fan unless they despise Boston sports teams haha

Bruh these Boston commentators seriously have speech impediments.