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Boston Celtics History: Debunking and exploring Larry Bird Myths trivia quiz

If one wishes to try the harder All-Star edition of the quiz, try to answer the questions without looking at the multiple choice offerings.

Layup-Which hand was Larry Bird’s natural strong hand?

A) Right hand B) Left hand

Dunk-True or false: Although reputed to be a non-leaper, Bird actually averaged nearly one blocked shot per game over his pro career.

A) True B) False

Layup-Why did Larry leave Indiana University after a brief 24-day tenure on campus as a freshman?*who was his roommate

A) Homesick/overwhelmed by size of IU

B) Dispute with Bob Knight

Lefty layup-True or false: Bird turned down the Celtics’ unusual proposal to join the team and play the last several games of the 1978-79 NBA season after his senior college basketball season had ended.