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A selection of must-read hockey books from the 2010s

If you’re like me, hockey goes far beyond watching games on TV. Hockey is a big part of how I like to spend a lot of my free time, which includes reading the occasional good book.

With all the Top ______ of the 2010’s lists being posted all over the internet, let’s hope you’re not sick of them yet, because here’s another: a list of must-read hockey books from the 2010’s.

Orr: My Story - Bobby Orr (2013)

Of course, we have to start with a book about a Bruin.

While Searching for Bobby Orr by Stephen Brunt is probably a better book, Orr: My Story gives an autobiographic account of the life of not just the greatest Bruin of all time, but also one of the most intriguing and private sport figures of the 20th century.