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Judge Rules Baylor Sexual Assault Lawsuit Involving Football Team Will Proceed

Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

A federal judge allowed 10 women to continue pursuing legal action against Baylor University for alleged Title IX violations,'s Paula Lavigne reported Tuesday.

U.S. District Judge Robert Pittman ruled each of the 10 women "has plausibly alleged that Baylor was deliberately indifferent to her report(s) of sexual assault, depriving her of educational opportunities to which she was entitled."

According to Lavigne, the incidents occurred between 2004 and 2016, and the women said Baylor didn't follow Title IX legislation in response to reports of sexual assault:

Each woman has said that she reported her assault to someone at Baylor, such as the counseling center, Baylor police, university medical personnel or another campus office, and was met with "indifference and inadequate response.