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Podcast: 2021 Baylor Offensive Preview with SicEm 365’s Grayson Grundhoefer

With Coffey out for a second straight week, David and I are joined by SicEm 365’s Grayson Grundhoefer to preview the 2021 Baylor Bears Offense.

Background on the intro: a couple of years ago, Fank decided to send in questions to Grayson and Craig Smoak on their podcast after having realized that they answer every question asked. Fank asked some of the more ridiculous questions (like, “What’s your favorite Nelly Furtado album”) whereas I went in a thematic direction, seeking their “Mount Rushmore” of various random topics. Because we gave them such grief in the 2019 season, we agreed to let Grayson get revenge on us at the top of the show by asking us the most off-topic, ridiculous question he could think of.