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No. 1 Baylor acro & tumbling opens year with dominant win over Texas Lutheran

By Zach Babajanof-Rustrian | Sports Writer

No. 1 Baylor acrobatics and tumbling defeated Texas Lutheran in its season opener 275.475-165.290 on Saturday afternoon in the Memorial Gym in Seguin.

The team started off the meet with a Compulsory score of 38.20. It scored 9.60 in Acro, 9.90 in Pyramid, 9.85 in Toss and then an 8.85 in Tumbling. The Bears (1-0) were up 38.20 to the Bulldogs’ (0-1) 23.70 score.

In the optional portion of the meet, Baylor scored a total of 28.25 for the event. Texas Lutheran totaled a score of 18.25 points for the event, bringing their total score up to 41.