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Former Baylor football player Sam Ukwuachu's sexual assault conviction reversed once again

Texas' 10th court of appeals ruled Wednesday to reverse the 2015 sexual assault conviction of former Baylor football player Sam Ukwuachu and open a new trial for the second time in 27 months, adding another development in Ukwuachu's back-and-forth appeals process.

The ruling, according to court documents, was centered around the argument that phone records belonging to Ukwuachu's roommate used by the state in arguments to convict Ukwuachu were examples of "false testimony" and created a "false impression" on the jury, violating Ukwuachu's right to due process.

This ruling comes just over a year after Texas' highest criminal appeals court reinstated Ukwuachu's conviction from a different appeal, which was based on the use of text messages between the woman Ukwuachu allegedly assaulted and a friend.