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Street Talk Dear Browns Fans…

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Dearest Browns fans,

We need to have chat about this newfound, inexplicable, and childish arrogance you’ve displayed toward not only Ravens fans, but NFL fans as a whole.

We understand it’s been a long time since you’ve known what it’s like to be a winner after suffering decade upon decade as a perennial loser, and being the paper-bag laden fan base that calls The Factory of Sadness home. We understand that you still can’t remember what it’s like to sniff the playoffs (it’s been 17 years) let alone win a division title (30 years) or accomplish something as simple as a winning season (12 years) – but none of that excuses this erratic behavior and spouting off at the mouth any chance you get, saying asinine things like ‘We’re the number one defense’ or ‘we’re Super Bowl bound.