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Late for Work 10/31: Kiko Alonso Texted Joe Flacco to Apologize for Vicious Hit

Related Topics: Joe Flacco, Kiko Alonso, Apologize

An announcement about whether Dolphins linebacker Kiko Alonso would be suspended for his brutal hit to quarterback Joe Flacco’s head never came last night like some expected.

But we did learn something else.

Turns out, Alonso texted Flacco the following day to apologize for the illegal hit that caused a concussion and knocked the quarterback out of the game. That’s what Flacco’s good friend, former Ravens tight Dennis Pitta, told WBAL Radio last night.

Former @Ravens Dennis Pitta on @wbalradio says Kiko Alonzo texted Joe Flacco to apologize for Thurs night hit that caused concussion.