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Heap Family Starts Hugs From Holly, Asks For Random Acts Of Kindness

Former Raven Todd Heap and his family suffered a tragic event last month with the loss of their three-year-old daughter, Holly.

Now the Heap family has started the Hugs From Holly campaign, which anyone can participate in simply by spreading random acts of kindness.

“Holly was known to give the best hugs, and her love for everyone and everything in life was contagious,” the Hugs From Holly website reads. “Let’s spread this joy as we scatter sunshine in Holly’s honor on her birthday.”

Holly’s birthday was May 3, and the Heaps have outlined three ways people can participate on Wednesday:

  1. Wear pink in Holly’s honor
  2. Make a plan to share hugs and spread love and joy through random acts of heartfelt kindness for those in your community.