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Funny Pages: The All-Powerful 'Slingshot Year'

Everything suddenly feels amazing, doesn't it? Now that “The Bachelorette” is over, and we no longer have to say the name "Chad," or talk about swooshy hair, the 2016 NFL season has finally returned to us. Football is BACK. Football brings the kind of pure joy that makes people (me) spend 20 minutes of their lunch break gushing about how incredible the new grass at the stadium is. (It's a mixture of Bermuda and rye grass, and it's honestly delightful.)

In addition to the field, we have a lot of actual football things to be super-cautiously hyped about:

#1: all of the players that spontaneously combusted last year are back

#2: we basically got to draft our rookies an entire round ahead of where we're used to drafting them

#3: our schedule is "easier" this year thanks to the season that we'll never speak of again

This phenomenon is known as a "Slingshot Year.