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Daryl Johnston, Sod & The Wide Guy

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The Ravens on Fox

Hooray! A FOX broadcast team to spell us from the painstaking pipes of the typical, mundane CBS crews!

As I’ve preached many a time before, I will take a FOX broadcast crew any day over literally any of the CBS teams. And maybe that’s simply a function of being force-fed CBS on a weekly basis as an AFC team fanbase, while the FOX broadcasts for Baltimore are much less frequent. As a matter of fact, my broadcast power rankings look something like this:

  1. FOX
  2. ESPN
  3. 98 Rock while CBS is on mute
  4. NBC
  5. The voices in my head
  6. CBS

That being said, in this week’s match-up between the Eagles and the Ravens, I firmly believe the tandem of Kenny Albert & Daryl Johnston were so caught up in their tom-foolery (they’re old, I figured that phrase fits well) that they completely forgot their was an actual football game going on.