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After a historic defeat, the onus is on John Harbaugh to help the Ravens reclaim their identity

In a town that reveres their sports heroes in the same air as the country’s founding father’s, John Harbaugh belongs amongst that rarified air in blue collar Baltimore.

The 15th year head coach has won 138 games, four division titles in the brutal AFC North and one Super Bowl. He earned the respect of a fanbase that was accustomed to taking their cues from a big personality like Ray Lewis. He’s also reinvented himself a few times along the way, going from the stereotypical hard-nosed dog curser, to a player’s coach with a fatherly lean.

A big part of that change came with the respect that he had earned, and it’s reached a new zenith with a next generation of players that have come in since 2018, led by Lamar Jackson.