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2000 Defense: Better Than You Realize?

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The topic of the 2000 Ravens defense is a rich one. It’s worthy of an entire book, but all we have time for here is a page or two.

Those old enough to remember the 2000 team have at least vague memories of the defense which usually include the following:

  • The names of all 11 starters (go ahead and take a moment then check the list at the bottom if you’re not sure)
  • The fact that the team gave up the fewest points ever in a 16-game season (165), including 4 shutouts
  • The fact that they allowed the fewest rushing yards ever in a 16-game season (900)
  • Memories that Ray Lewis was outstanding
  • The fact that they played a 4-3 scheme with Siragusa and Adams in the middle
  • The fact that they generated a mess of turnovers (49)
  • The fact that the offense didn’t score a TD in the month of October and the team still won 2 of those 5 games

The 11 starters: Rob Burnett, Tony Siragusa, Sam Adams, Michael McCrary, Peter Boulware, Jermaine Lewis, Darren Sharper, Duane Starks, Kim Herring, Rod Woodson, Chris McAlister.