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Top 50 Orioles of All Time: #50, Scott Erickson

The number one memory that I have involving Scott Erickson comes from my 7th and 8th grade social studies teacher, Mr. Thursz. He had a number of Orioles-related antics and one of them is that he would stand at the front of the classroom as students were filing in and announce that he was going to do his Scott Erickson impersonation.

The impersonation was this: Mr. Thursz pantomimed Erickson’s windup, then, after throwing the “pitch,” immediately turned his head around to look at the “stands.” Erickson always gave up home runs, he said.

Maybe that’s what it felt like in the mid-1990s, but as I look at Erickson’s Orioles career compared to today’s home run rates, 128 home runs allowed in 1287.